Toronto's coolest hackathon in wearable technology and the internet of things powered by Intel Canada.
Join the coolest people, overload yourself on caffeine + challenge yourself for 36 hours to make the most jawdropping Internet of Things & Wearable Tech hack imaginable.
Hardware from X-box Kinect, Intel Edison, Nod Ring, Muse, Estimote, Thalmic Labs' Myo, MetaWear, Grove Starter Kit, Pebble smartwatch, Oculus Rift, Spark Maker kit and Arduino.
As part of this event, on May 9 at 1PM EST, Intel is hosting a Co-Founder MeetUp at MaRS - Founder Marco Della Torre of Basis Watch, now part of Intel & Karamdeep Nijjar a Partner at iNovia Capital, an early stage venture capital firm. This part of the event is free.